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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Fun Email Quiz

By: Kelly J. Watkins, MBA

Are you creating a positive, professional impression when you email your co-workers and customers? Or, is Miss Manners shrieking in horror every time you hit the send button? Are you being efficient and effective when you send messages, or are you wasting time? To find out, take this fun quiz. (Sign up for a f.r.e.e mini-workshop on email etiquette at

1. The tone of a professional email message should be:
a. Conversational.
b. Formal.
c. Casual – like the tone you use with friends.
d. “Yo, dude! Whassup?”

Answer: A. You may be as casual as you like with friends, breaking all the grammar and punctuation rules you want. But, that isn’t true for communicating with clients and colleagues. Business correspondence should be professional. In email, professional translates into conversational – not too casual and not too formal.

2. One method to achieve a conversational tone is to:
a. Use slang terms and jargon.
b. Use contractions.
c. Use acronyms.
d. Stand up and yell across the office. See if you can start “the wave.”
